BPA Code of Professional Conduct

The British Parking Association is committed to encouraging and developing the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics within its membership.

The BPA Code of Professional Conduct sets out the standards of conduct expected by those working in the profession and all BPA members commit to the code when they join the association.

The code was developed by the BPA Board following consultation both within and outside the profession and was first approved by the BPA Council on 8th December 2010.  

Members Disciplinary Process and BPA Code of Professional Conduct

How it works

The Code of Professional Conduct is managed by the BPA Board working with the BPA Chief Executive and Company Secretary. The Board works to ensure that the BPA fulfils its responsibilities to the public interest by applying and enforcing the code in a proper manner where apparent breaches or non-compliances are identified. This will allow the BPA to build trust and reassurance within members of the profession as well as the public and media. Professional and personal decisions and actions are the responsibility of the individual; the code is a tool to help in the decision-making process. As the profession changes and develops, or society’s expectations alter, the code will be amended to suit.

Just as the BPA takes complaints seriously, it also would like to hear from those who have had a successful relationship with BPA members. We encourage recognition and reward for outstanding professional conduct through our awards schemes, publications and appointment of Honorary Members.

We invite these inputs, addressed to the Chief Executive. If you would like to provide feedback on a BPA Member you can also do so here.

N.B. This is not our BPA Code of Practice for Parking on Private Land