Our Purpose and Vision


Our Purpose

The BPA is a not-for-profit membership association representing the UK’s parking and mobility sector. We provide a leading membership community to support parking and traffic management professionals to deliver the highest quality services that benefit society and the environment.

We represent around 800 corporate members including local government, commercial providers, parking system operators, consultants, and academics. In addition, we have a separate membership structure for over 650 individuals and a range of benefits to support their professional development. 

Our Vision

Our vision is for a diverse and inclusive membership community that supports a parking and travel experience that exceeds expectations.

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Our current three-year Strategic Plan was developed in consultation with members and agreed by Council and our Board. The plan will be reviewed annually and enable us to focus on the challenges and opportunities facing our members and tailor the relevance of our activities to ensure we add best value at every stage. We have four strategic themes to help deliver our plan:


Promote Amplify Value Shape