‘Don’t be a Selfish Parker!’ Motorists asked to be kind and respect others when parking

The BPA has launched a new campaign to raise awareness and help tackle selfish and anti-social parking, which is a major frustration for many of the public.

As part of a series of new campaigns under the ‘It’s not OK to park where it’s not OK to park’ banner, the BPA will focus on aspects of poor parking behaviour, highlighting why effective parking management is so important and how it addresses many of the issues that the parking sector has to manage every day.

Outdoor posters will be displayed by BPA members to highlight problem parking areas and the hashtag #selfishparking used in posts across social media to encourage behaviour change in motorists to park within the rules and with respect for their surroundings and others.

Alison Tooze, BPA Membership Development Manager says, ‘Our consumer research to better understand perceptions of parking told us that one of the biggest frustrations people have is anti-social and inconsiderate parking. This includes obstructing pavements, on or blocking someone’s driveway, in designated bays, they are not eligible to use or taking up more than one space.  We hope that putting an emphasis on the importance of motorists respecting others, thinking before they park, and not behaving selfishly will also help us start a different conversation about the role of the parking sector”

Members are encouraged to share photos of places where posters have been used and create collective momentum with messaging and activity delivered on a local level at first, building to what is hoped will be a nationally recognised campaign.